Grants Management and Peer Review Support
CRP provides grants management and peer review support to Federal, state, and local government agencies that exceed performance expectations and time-sensitive requirements. CRP recently managed the pre-award phases for two grant competitions for grant programs administered by the District of Columbia’s Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED). The screening and review processes were conducted electronically using a virtual platform.
In the Spring of 2020, DMPED launched applications for the DC Small Business Recovery Microgrant Program, which awarded funds to small businesses to aid in their recovery from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.
In 2019, DMPED implemented competitions from its grants portfolio, including the Great Streets and Legacy Small Business programs.
We provided technical assistance and support to both competitions spanning the pre-award and award phases of the grant management life cycle.
Provided CRP’s training module to train DMPED staff.