Government Meetings

CRP has delivered a broad spectrum of conferences, large and small meetings, symposia, trainings, expert panels, workshops, seminars, roundtables and other events for numerous Federal agencies since its inception in 1988. Since 2008, CRP has served as the principal logistics and program/technical support contractor to the National Center for Education Statistics’ (NCES) National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) program, commonly referred to as the “Nation’s Report Card.”   

CRP has delivered hundreds of government meetings spanning varied policy domains and multiple scopes. Our approach to government meeting planning and management involves meticulous planning and management systems that meet  the client’s design and implementation needs. Our conference management team is innovative, creative with strong delivery capability, and functions as your representative, partner, facilitator, and guide in all phases of the conference planning process.

Shown below is a summation of CRP’s process for implementing and executing meetings and events whether in-person, virtual or a hybrid format.  Our methodology enhances our ability to effectively respond to clients’ requirements and is the foundation of our strength.